Time processes values by converting time values between formats.

Interpretation Methods

The processor supports these interpretation methods:

  • object
  • data


formatstringthe time format of the data.

must be one of:
- pattern-based layouts
- unix: epoch (supports fractions of a second)
- unix_milli: epoch milliseconds
- now: current time
set_formatstringthe time format of the processed data.

must be one of:
- pattern-based layouts
- unix: epoch (supports fractions of a second)
- unix_milli: epoch milliseconds
locationstringthe timezone abbreviation of the data.

defaults to UTC.
set_locationstringthe timezone abbreviation of the processed data.

defaults to UTC.

Use Cases

Converting Epoch to Pattern-Based Layout

If the format is unix and the set_format is 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z, then the result is:


Converting Between Time Zones

If the location is America/Los_Angeles and the set_location is America/New_York, then the result is:

{"a":"2020-Jan-29 Wednesday 00:19:25"}
{"a":"2020-Jan-29 Wednesday 03:19:25"}