Capture processes values by capturing new values using regular expressions.

Interpretation Methods

The processor supports these interpretation methods:

  • object
  • data


expressionstringthe regular expression used to capture new values.Yes
typestringdetermines which regular expression function is applied.

must be one of:
- find: applies the Find(String)?Submatch function
- find_all: applies the FindAll(String)?Submatch function
- named_group: applies the Find(String)?Submatch function and stores new values as objects using subexpressions
countintegermanages the number of repeated capture groups.

defaults to match all capture groups.

Use Cases

Creating New Objects

If the named_group type is used, then captured values are returned as a new object. For example, if the named_group expression is (?P<a>[a-zA-Z]+) (?P<c>[a-zA-Z]+), then the result is:

b d