AWS DynamoDB

AWS DynamoDB processes values by querying a DynamoDB table and returning all matched items as an array of objects.

The input must be an object containing a partition key ("PK") and optionally containing a sort key ("SK"). This processor uses the DynamoDB Query operation, refer to the DynamoDB documentation for the Query operation's request syntax and key condition expression patterns.

Interpretation Methods

The processor supports these interpretation methods:

  • object


tablestringthe DynamoDB table that items are read from.Yes
key_condition_expressionstringthe DynamoDB key condition expression string.Yes
limitintegerdetermines the maximum number of items to evaluate in the DynamoDB query.No
scan_index_forwardbooleanspecifies the order of index traversal.

- true: traversal is performed in ascending order (default)
- false: traversal is performed in descending order