HTTP sinks values to an HTTP server.

If the data is a valid object, then the sink automatically adds the header Content-Type: application/json.

Interpretation Methods

The sink supports these interpretation methods:

  • object
  • data


urlstringthe HTTP(S) endpoint that data is sent to.Yes
headers[]objectan array of objects that contain HTTP headers sent in the request.

header values support loading secrets.

defaults to no headers.
headers_keystringretrieves a value from an object that contains one or more objects containing HTTP headers sent in the request.No

Use Cases

Adding Static Headers

Static headers can be added to each HTTP request by using the headers option. This should be an array of objects that map to this structure: {"key":"foo","value":"bar"}.

Adding Dynamic Headers

Dynamic headers can be added to each HTTP request from an object by using the headers_key option. This should be one or more objects that map to this structure: {"FOO":"bar"}.